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Telefon bild +46243-202014        ✔ Low prices         2-4 days delivery      Over 300 flavours        Shipment all over Europe    

Dear Customer,
We would like to inform you that we are currently experiencing high order volumes. We are working diligently to ensure all orders are processed as quickly and smoothly as possible. However, this may potentially affect our delivery times. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding and patience.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your order, please feel free to contact our customer service team. Thank you for your trust and for being our valued customer.
Best regards,
cigge crew


Deliveries are generally sent in letters but in certain cases they come in a box.

The letter is delivered in your mailbox so there is no need to collect it.

Delivering to other countries can take from 2-15 workdays.

Important information about importing e-cig products to Norway:
When you import e-cig products to Norway, there is a risk that customs in Norway will stop your order and need papers from your doctor, for use of the products. This is since the new laws in Norway since 1/7-24. 

If you do not have papers from your doctor to give to customs, it will be sized by customs and you loose your right for a refund. 

Important information about importing nicotine ecig to Finland: 

We recommend buying on instead, were you find all safe items to buy to Finland.

Shipping cost starts at 2 euro.

When you place a large order it might be sent in a box, this is delivered to your local
mail-delivery agent. In this case please register you mobile number and you will get
a text message (SMS) when the package has arrived.

Delivery charges is depending on the weight of your purchase and you will see the
cost in the checkout.

If you have any other questions please contact us on